The navigation path is a series of one or more hyperlinks showing the path of reports a user has run from the Portal via the Dashboard down to the Monthly reports ('Marap') and the Trend graph reports.
The path is presented as one line in the top of the report and looks like this:
Each hyperlink in the navigation path consists of an HTML item object in the report. The '>' signs are just text item objects.
The HTML item contains an anchor tag calling the browser's page history and skipping a number of pages back.
For instance the link to 'Marap' looks like this, calling the history two pages back (-2):
<a href="#" onclick="history.go(-2);return false;">Marap</a>
Why two pages back and not one? Well, when Cognos executes a report, it will show an intermediate page "Your report is running." as long as the report is not ready and you're waiting for it. This page needs to be skipped when navigating back, so I don't go back one page but two.In case of the prior run reports 'Integraal dashboard' and 'Portal', the same code is used, but instead of -2, the number of pages back is -4 and -6 respectively.
The main drawback of this technique is that Cognos does not show this page when the report can be run very quickly, so in that case the history call should be only one page back. For this potential issue, I have not found a solution yet.
I don't want the report to be re-run, as this is not user friendly in my opinion. By the way, a re-execution of the prior report would be possible using the following code:
<script language="javascript">
function exit()
document.formWarpRequest.method.value = 'release';
document.formWarpRequest.m.value = 'portal/report-viewer-release.xts';
setTimeout("document.formWarpRequest.submit()", 1);
<a class="ccOptions" href="javascript:exit()">Marap</a>
If someone knows of a way to elimininate the intermediate "Your report is running." page, please let me know! Cognos offers no solution for this as fas as I know.